Note: This was originally published on my now-defunct website, I reproduce it here because it makes me laugh.
Every semester during reading period and finals, there is a protracted online discussion in which students bemoan their current state of affairs in haiku format. Yesterday, I was working at the reference desk and thought I’d jump into the foray in an attempt to drum up some business. What follows is a series of haikus I sent out over the course of the 4 hours I was working.
writing a paper?
librarians have mad skills.
consult with megan.
here till 5pm
i can answer your questions
glorious sources
research pressure mounts
pubmed lion econlit
move beyond google
footnotes and endnotes galore
save time talk to me
what is your style?
chicago turabian
help with citations
i’ll help you today
someone is here tomorrow
use our great knowledge
(Reference Librarian Haiku by Megan Brooks is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.)
After posting those to my Facebook account, my friends Eric, Steve, and Mac all supplemented my offerings with ones of their own, which I offer here:
Find a citation easy
Document your sources right
Science Eye Brain Neuron
dewey decimal
what in the hell does he know?
go right to the source.
She knows where to find
the answers contained herein.
Your fault if you fail.
FInd the best sources.
The librarian knows where
they are all hiding.
Paper is due soon
Your Zotero is empty.
You should ask for help.
Do you understand
what the reference desk does?
You should ask, buddy.
The cursor blinks.
You will need more evidence
to support your claims.
You chose your topic,
but are not sure which journals
might aid your research.
I write these haiku
Hoping to charm you into
Asking me questions.
I am an expert
in tracking down resources.
I earned a degree.
Please don’t walk by me
another time looking lost.
I am here to help.
(Nine Library Haiku by Eric Behrens is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.)
I am highly entertained.